I am so sorry I haven't been a good blogger for the last month. I can't really say we haven't been up to much. say that not much has been going on. Nor can I say that too much has been going on,
although my little girl keeps me very busy. The biggest change is that as of March 1, I am only working 4 days a week. I have every Monday off to spend with Katie Rose and to get things done that are better done during the week: clean the house, take baby and animals to appointments, pay bills, etc. I love having this day for ourselves. Robbie has Fridays off so this means she only goes to daycare 3 days a week - Tuesday through Thursday. I'm so thankful for this opportunity.
Last week I took her in for her 4 month check up. She is healthy and well weighing in at 12 lbs 9 oz putting her in the 24th percentile for height and weight. She's a bit of a small fry, but her head circumference is in the 80th percentile which means 1. She has big brains and 2. She could be a star. Mimi told me she read that celebrities usually have big heads which look better on camera or on stage. The doctor also politely acknowledged that Katie Rose is indeed an expressive child.

We talked about her sleeping or rather lack of sleeping. She naps well during the day but she wakes up 2 times a night to eat. She wakes up usually between 12 and 1 and again between 4 and 5. The doctor said, "You know, many 4 month
olds sleep through the night."
Uhm, wow, really? I've heard of these children and really and truly thought mine would be one of them, but she's not. But I love her anyway. Last night she slept 5 hours before eating and then slept 5 more. I hope it's a growing trend.

At 4 months old she can roll over stomach to back and back to stomach. She's getting better at grabbing things intentionally. Last night she fell asleep on her
play mat and had rolled on her side with the bug leg still in her tight little grip.

She got a
bumbo seat so she can sit up and play with her toys on her play mat. She kicks her legs
alot more especially in the bathtub splashing water everywhere. And she's eating rice cereal every night and loves it.

I am hoping it will help her sleep better. She loves being carried around in her
snugli pouch. The other day I put her in her pouch while we threw the ball for
Shuge. Last weekend we went for a short hike at the Lewis and Clark Caverns
A side story on the hike last weekend:
People make fun of me because my car is usually full of junk and really, it is full of junk. However, if you ever need anything, you can almost always find it in my car. When we went for our hike it was a little cooler and breezier than I anticipated, but it wasn't cool enough for the jacket I brought. In my car were 3 bags of "junk." One bag contained maternity clothes I never wore where I found a light weight sweater perfect for the hike. Another bag contained a bag of baby clothes I meant to take to Sak's (local thrift store) 3 weeks ago. Inside the bag was a zip up fleece for baby to wear. My car may contain alot of stuff, but I like to think I'm just prepared. Catherine Kelly said it well when she called my car a treasure trough.

Robbie's parents have been over twice in the last month. This past weekend was especially nice because they brought Grandma Rose and Grandpa Bob. We stayed at the house most of the weekend visiting, making fry bread, eating, playing cards, and oohing and
ahhing over Katie Rose.

I wondered what the world must look like through her eyes. Everything is so new. I thought how bizarre it must seem for everyone around you to be in your face making funny noises and acting like a fool just to make you smile.