Here's a reminder of what the crib color and crib bedding looks like

Ok, finally, I have some pictures of the nursery. It's still not done, but it's come a long way. I decided that painting the nursery was going to be one of my own little nesting projects. I kept telling myself things like, "Hey, I've painted before. I can do this. It's just a small room. It won't take that much paint or time. This is going to be great! How hard can it be??" Robbie, having information contrary to my affirmations, was not interested in painting the nursery whatsoever but did agree to help tape the edges, so thank you Robbie for starting the taping process. He also removed the switch plates and air intake vents and moved the furniture to the middle of the room.
I bagged up the crib bumper and went to True Value Hardware here in Belgrade. A nice man named Chris helped me find just the right color blue under the fluorescent lights they have over the paint samples. It was perfect! Then he suggested we go outside in natural sunlight to see if we still liked the color. I was CERTAIN I had done well. Hmm, or not. It was totally wrong! It was too green! Perfection thwarted! So we grabbed an entire book of paint samples, took them all outside and then found the perfect blue. Of course inside, they looked terrible next to eachother, but I was getting tired of being there and I was eager to get home and paint. 114 dollars later I was on my way. We did have to buy a step stool, so it wasn't truly that much just for paint and supplies. Oh, wait, there was primer too. Again my perfect plan of coming home and painting the nursery this beautiful blue was stalled again for the ugly yet necessary primer.

Whoo hoo, I'm now on my way but feeling less energetic than I was a couple of hours ago.
Robbie had not quite finished taping. I blame myself for this. I think what happened is I was so excited and enthusiastic about "my little project" that I
accidentally convinced him I really was capable and willing to do it all myself. Lessons in marriage, right? I got home and was totally annoyed that I had 5 other steps to complete before I could put anything on the wall. I rushed through those 5 steps and in the most unorganized, least methodical manner, I got my roller wet and put primer on the wall. After priming 2 half-walls reality set in that I needed help. Meredith, the dear and wonderful, had offered to help, so I called her. She's also really tall. Tall friends are good to have when painting. I sat on the floor and did the bottom stuff while she painted the tops of the walls. We let the primer dry and then put the blue on. We actually finished and together it only took us about 3-4 hours. See how tall Meredith is?? Yes, that is paint in my hair.

Tell me again WHY I thought I would do this alone???? I am singing a different tune now. The next morning I painted 2 walls that needed a second coat and then I looked at the room and decided it was good. The paint spills on the carpet are minimal. There's only a little paint on the baseboards and a little paint on the electric sockets, but I don't think it's anything I can't get rid of with a little nail polish remover.
I'll post some more pictures soon!