Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sometimes my best, most creative thoughts come to me the second I open my eyes in the morning.  This morning started with the sound of scissors....

It's light out but still dark enough to create that I-wish-this-would-last-forever-because-I-am-just-the-right-temperature-and-all-is-quiet-in-the-house kind of sleepiness.  My silent Eden was shattered by the sound of scissors.  I listened for the sound twice and shot up in bed which is really hard for me at 26 weeks pregnant.  Once I shot up in bed I remembered that one shouldn't make sudden movements that would hinder the possibility of a loving, cuddly child going back to sleep in your bed, even if just for half an hour.  So I hit the pillow again.  The sound continued.  My mind reeled through what she could be cutting, hoping and praying it wasn't her own hair.  Ohhh, how am I going to fix this???  Shame on ME for even having scissors in the house!  What was I thinking?!?  Then I hear, "Hi, Mommy," in the sweetest, faintest little whisper.

She entered the room.  I didn't have my glasses on so I couldn't see the damage.  She approached my side of the bed (Why always Mommy and never Daddy?).    I could see in her hand a toy from an old McDonald's happy meal that Rob tied to a balloon yesterday.  She says again, "Hi Mommy," and then begins hitting me over and over again in the face with that damned balloon, and the scissor sound was none other than her playing with the McDonald's toy.  Relief!

So moral of the story:  You may think Eden is sleeping in lazily on a Sunday morning while the entire house is quiet, but when you have a 2 year old, realizing that she has NOT cut off her own hair is even better.

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