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Monday, February 8, 2010

Katie Rose's First Brush with the Law

K-Ro has been found guilty. One week ago at daycare Katie Rose Vernon was found guilty of not being where she was supposed to be. The State came to visit her daycare as part of an annual inspection following the provider's license renewal. Katie Rose was found to be in violation of the law. We work hard to raise a child who is self-assured and respectful of the law, so imagine our disdain to hear of her mischief at such an early age. She was in the back room swaddled and fast asleep on a futon (which by the way rests on the floor, not above ground). By state law children who are sleeping must be in some sort of safety crib and nowhere else. As her mother I am not at all concerned about the dangers of the crime commited. I say let sleeping babies lie. What concerns me is Katie Rose's complete and utter indifference to the entire situation. When a child gets in trouble a parent must take an introspective look at the child's home life. I now realize she has slept swaddled on our bed, on our couch, in her swing, and in her bouncy seat with nary a thought to what she was doing. Clearly I have misguided her.

"We treat Katie Rose like our own. I would never let something happen to my girls, nor yours, and I try to do at daycare what parents do at home. That way it seems normal to them," our daycare provider stated. But just to be cautious, she held Katie Rose and rocked her for the remainder of the state's visit. Katie Rose enjoyed the extra attention very much, getting exactly what she wanted in the first place. Minor delinquent? Positive reinforcement of bad behavior? Or smart, smart cookie? You decide.

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