So my latest passion besides HATING the snow in April is looking at all the adorable kids' clothes for sale on EBay.
Ohh my gosh. Clothes! Tons of them! Some of them inexpensive! Some not so much! The clothes I'm talking about are the adorable smocked outfits, bubble outfits, bishop dresses, day gowns, bonnets, etc that are unheard of here in the high north cold country. One I've been eyeing in particular is a bubble suit with little crabs smocked around the collar. It's so cute I could die and how fitting for our little crab! Meredith had to rescue me from the abyss that is E-Bay the other day and wouldn't get off the phone with me until I promised her I had signed out. It had to be bad for Meredith to insist I stop. She loves shopping for her girls. Readers please do not take this as a plea for more baby clothes...unless you just want to. When I see Katie Rose in a little dress of mine or a bubble outfit or the dress pictured below, happiness bubbles inside of me and I can't stop smiling with absolute delight at my precious girl. I was looking at her closet the other day thinking to myself, "I want a boy one day. I do. But gosh I hate to not have another girl and have to put such darling clothes into storage! It would seem a waste!" So you might be wondering how many kids I want and the answer might be 3. For all the trials, hits and misses, lost sleep, agony at times, and the millions of outfits she'll never wear, I can't fathom the thought of not doing this again.

And speaking of crabs, I actually think KRo is getting less and less crabby. Perhaps she's just excited about finding her toes. She's good at grabbing those little piggies quickly too. She's also making some new sounds lately which include a high pitched ongoing screechy squall. I've experimented with telling her "NO!" but that's not as much fun. I usually find it so adorable and funny that I just laugh instead. Ben and Meredith's baby Emma would make a high pitched screech/squawk when she wanted attention. Ben and Meredith didn't find it nearly as funny as I did. I laughed every time she did it. I'm laughing now just thinking about it. They said I would get my turn and it wouldn't be as funny but they are wrong. But we're only on day 4 of this new hilarious expression.
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