Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, May 8, 2009

12 Week Appointment

Robbie and I went to our 12 week appointment today. We got to hear our little one's heartbeat! It was so cool. I was forewarned that sometimes at this stage they cannot hear the heartbeat with the doppler and that I shouldn't panic. If they can't find the heartbeat they will do an ultrasound to check on the baby. I was hoping they wouldn't be able to find it with the doppler and we would get another sneak preview and a picture, but the baby was cooperative and Dr. Augustyn found it right away. What a nice, compliant baby we far. It undoubtedly gets that from its parents. The doppler thing she used did not have a heart rate monitor on it so we don't know for sure the beats per minute. Dr. Augustyn said if she had to guess she would say about 150 beats per minute. Is this any indication of a boy or a girl? I feel like every time we go to the doctor we get another piece of the puzzle or maybe just a red herring clue.

But speaking of gender, I just found out my friend Ashley is having a girl! I am so happy and excited for she and Mike! Ashley took one of those new gender prediction urine tests a week or so ago which told her at that time it was a girl. Those tests have been under some scrutiny for not being very reliable, but apparently it was right for her. I wonder if I can hold out til the 20th week or if I will want to know sooner. I'm a girl who likes to know!


  1. i'm going crazy that we have to wait till 20 weeks instead of 18 for your gender apt! UGH! tell me if you take the walgreens pee test, i could be persuaded to join you.

    love you and that little one!

  2. but what are you going to think if the report comes back that it is a girl, and then it's a boy. or a boy, and then it's a girl? or do you think it's possible that it could actually turn from one to the other; you know, sort of like that ol' saying if you kiss your elbow??
    just wondering...

  3. Lee- love your blog- theory about gender- if queasy a lot it a girl. Who knows? Also flatter/wider rather than narrow pushed forward belly spells girl to me- Sally G.

  4. I love this blog already! So glad I now know about it and can't believe I've missed it this long! :)

  5. Yeah, kissing the elbows, maybe that's how it works. We're all born the same gender but some kiss their elbows while they're still inside their mommies and change what they are!

  6. I hope you have a girl......and I hope she is EXACTLY like Tyndal.

    Love ya - Terry

  7. Bring her on! Perhaps we need to do a blog on Tyndal, age 7. We were playing checkers over the weekend. I thought I was doing a great job (practicing being a grandmother) instructing her how to play. Then she fired me! She told me to go sit on the couch. The little Trump-ette. Afterward she put Jazz in a barber chair that was in the carport, placed a towel around her neck and proceeded to groom her. She also informed me with as straight a face as you ever see, that a bat flew into her room and she caught it and let it out the window. But maybe my favorite story is the one about her taking a picture of our dog to class and telling them that it was her dog. A day or so later when she was found out, that the dog wasn't really hers, without missing a beat she declared it was her stepdog! Totally fun!
