Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Work Life Balance
Robbie, the baby, and I went to Mobile for 10 days over a month ago and I still haven't posted about it. I feel behind on most things in my life these days so it's no surprise this has taken so long. Motherhood keeps me busy. My job keeps me busy. Family keeps me busy. Though in ways the work-life balance isn't as hard as I thought it would be.
I work Tuesday through Friday now with Mondays off so I know what my week looks like. Katie Rose and I have a good routine in the morning. She wakes up earlier than I wish she would (around 6:15 which is an excellent alarm clock if I accidently forget to set mine). Do blackout curtains really help them sleep later? By then I have hopefully had a shower and done my makeup. KR then has a bottle while she watching Baby Einstein's Baby Mozart. Then she usually has a dirty diaper so after I dry my hair, I change her clothes, get myself dressed, and head out the door by 7:25. I might get in a cup of coffee which has been reheated 3 times and cereal. And I try to make my lunch every day, so really, I'm pretty proud of all that I do in 2 hours. I wish she didn't watch tv every morning but I have alot to do and something has to give.
Now, let's address this dirty diaper (or 3, as this morning would have it) every morning. A lady I work with started potty training her little girl at around 7 or 8 months old. She was a "regular" baby each morning so they started sitting her on a potty seat with a toy and eventually she did her regular business on a potty instead of in her diaper. By the time she was a year old she rarely had a stinky diaper. I think this could work especially now before she's really mobile. Any thoughts?
I can't believe she's almost 8 months old and she just gets cuter and cuter every single day. I love where she is right now. She still can't crawl but she gets on all fours and rocks, so it will be soon. She's not great a pulling up on furniture or her crib but she doesn't get many opportunities to practice that particular skill. I'm not in a big hurry for these things to happen anyway. She loves playing peekaboo and she really loves when her daddy or I act like a monkey. Parents do such ridiculous things to make their children laugh.
Baby Sleep Project
Haha! These are posts I started and never published and it's really funny going back and looking at these. I like how this is titled Baby Sleep Project and was started last spring. Oh how far we've come. KR started sleeping through the night at about 7 months old and has never turned back. Thank goodness!
Monday, December 20, 2010
So Behind!!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Then and Now
Friday, October 22, 2010
As the Grownups Do

She loves credit cards the way we do.

And she cries when they're taken we do.

Friday, October 8, 2010
Terrible Blogger
Updates on Katie Rose:
Still not walking but growing increasingly frustrated (motivated) to figure it out.
Her bottom teeth came through a while back and now her top teeth are descending. They're the cutest little teeth ever!
She's also learning to bite and is leaving teeth marks allover her crib.
She says several words if you can call them words. She was saying Mo for more and learned sign language for "more." She's forgotten somewhat now that she feeds herself. She says Dadadadada and Mamamamama and No No No No No. She says Daw-dah for dog. She can't say kitty but she makes a hard "K" sound when she sees the cats.
She's getting a little temper and shakes her legs really fast and screams when she's not getting what she wants or when she's restrained from flipping around during a diaper change. She's learned to pick at the diaper stickies and pull them apart.
Her favorite foods are apples, blueberries, bagels, any kind of bread, seasoned rice, cheerios, eggs, shrimp - yes, I've given her shrimp, gerber pasta pickups, bananas, and most anything else besides green beans and a gerber stew we tried out. She spit that all down her front.
I can't believe she's almost 1...and that I already want another one...but we will wait.... More later!
Friday, August 27, 2010
For the Love of Adorable Dresses Part II
Our friends Keith and Kelly got married August 20th and her colors were lavender/purpley and white. Meredith, my best justification-to-spend-more-than-I-should-simply-because-it's-adorable-and-perfect-for-the-occasion friend, and I had been gushing over different dresses and outfits we found online that would be oh so perfect for Keith and Kelly's wedding. I went to Strasburg Children's website a few months ago and found this ensemble:

This ensemble at the time was priced at 76 dollars which I nor Meredith could justify so we lamented and moved on looking for something else. Katie Rose has plenty of beautiful vintage dresses so it wasn't like we had nothing; It's just fun to shop. Ok so downtown Bozeman has a kid's consignment shop near where I work. I casually walked in one day during my lunch and low and behold, this very outfit was on the rack in her size for, get ready, THREE DOLLARS!!!! I couldn't believe it. What luck! What a prize!
I took it home and showed it to Mom who was also amazed at my fantastic find. She was at my house showing some other outfits she bought for Katie Rose. She said, "Let me take that home and I'll iron and starch it for you so it'll be all ready for the wedding. I'll take home some other dresses too because you know she'll spit up on the one outfit, and you should have another one or two to change her into throughout the party." Oh, perfect I thought. Things were falling right into place.
Then things took a turn for the worse. Mom had Katie Rose on the couch with her playing dress-up to make sure the new items fit. While Mom was holding her, Katie Rose spit up green goo allover the new purple outfit. She wasn't even wearing it and spit up allover it! But Mom was confident she could get it out with a little goo-gone and took it home. A few days later Mom came back over to our house with the ironed dresses. She had a solemn look on her face. She said, "Lee, please don't be too mad at me....pause....
But - The relief is that we did only pay 3 dollars for it. And it happened to a store bought outfit and not one of the dresses Mimi made for me. Mom and I would have cried if that had happened. I suppose one shouldn't place too much value on material things because afterall, spit happens.

*Katie Rose ended up not going to the wedding at all, not because she didn't have an outfit, but because Robbie and I realized that at her age, we might have more fun without her. She was perfectly content with zero regard for her clothing at home with Grumpa and Mama V where she played outside, got food allover her play clothes and hair, and mouthed every filthy, soggy tennis ball she could find. Baby bliss. The outfit has been worn once while riding in the car to Stevensville the day of the wedding. It has since been washed and has returned to the wrinkled mess it started as.
A Different Kind of Summer

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
My How Time Flies

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Happy 4th of July

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Baby Buzzkill
So as some of you may know we just returned from a 10 day trip to Mobile. Robbie, Katie Rose, and I all went and she was truly an amazing, well behaved baby for nearly the entire time except for the first night we wanted to go out. We arrived on Friday and Saturday night we went downtown (without the baby) to Taylor and Tyndal's dance recital while Mom kept the baby. After the recital Robbie, Shelly, and I went to Hopjack's on Dauphin Street to have some food and beers. I had just finished my 3rd microbrew which contains a higher alcohol content than regular beer and was feeling pretty good when Mom called. Mom said, "Oh Lee, I'm sure the baby is alright but she's been crying for nearly 45 minutes and I can't seem to calm her down!" Baby Buzzkill strikes!! I assured Mom that she was fine and probably just needed to cry and let go of the stress of travelling and being in a new place. Mom didn't sound so sure and said she would call me back in 20 minutes if she was still crying.
Now I knew that BB was ok but being her mommy, my radar was up and I lost all prior concentration on the delicious beers and food. I kept waiting for the phone to ring and it never did. I waited and waited and waited and then started sending text messages and trying to call Mom to make sure she was ok. All the fun and energy I had put into the evening was totally gone and I couldn't think of anything else besides how she was doing and whether or not I needed to go home immediately. We went to Grand Central - an hold haunt where apparently my membership card from 2003 is no longer valid and I had to pay cover and get a new card! - had one drink but at that point I knew I had to leave. The buzz was over and dead. We walked to the car where I could still hear music coming from the bar. I contemplated staying but after a few minutes of sitting in the car with sad faces, we went home.
The next day Mom and I were talking about the evening and why she was crying like she was. Mom said, "You and Ross never did that! I never got a call from the babysitter." I replied, "That's because she had the sense not to."
More from the vacation later....
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The Big 3-0!!
In the last 10 years I:
Moved across the country (from Montana to Alabama)
Went back to college
Met the man I would marry
Graduated from college
Moved back across the country (from Alabama to Montana)
Got my first job out of college
Married the man I met
Bought a house
Had a baby
It's amazing how such monumental events can be so simply stated. I feel like I could spend days discussing each event and what it meant and what all happened before, during, and after each phase. And what do I do with all of this now? Tough question. The last 10 years have been incredible. Incredibly hard. Incredibly fun. Incredibly challenging with all the changes that occurred. I feel like I spent the last 10 years choosing cards and being dealt cards and now it's time to play my hand...until the next card swap. Remember that game called Life where you spin the wheel, go along the course, and hope to end the game with lots of money, a house, and a station wagon full of pink or blue pegs? We played that game with some friends not too long ago and now there's no clear path on the game board. There are so many different routes to choose and you can keep spinning in the same route over and over again if you want to. And all of your income and expenses are tracked on a debit card that you swipe through a machine. I digress... But all of this is to say that I am about 1/3 through the game of life and feel like I'm just starting and that feels good!
In honor of my 30th birthday I planned and threw myself a big party. The plans changed several times before a final location was chosen. 25 of my closest friends and I went to Rio Sabina's and then to the Belgrade Lounge on Saturday the 24th. Rio Sabina's was NOT ready at the reserved time and it was over an hour before we were seated. I expressed my frustration, got free drinks, and didn't let it bother me at all. I don't know how many cosmopolitans I drank but it was plenty - too much, actually but not so much that I got sick. At the Lounge we danced, the band sang happy birthday, and we ate the most delicious birthday cake I had made for myself. Thank you to all of my friends who celebrated with us. It was a memorable birthday. Thank you to Arnold and Vickie for coming over to keep K-Ro. That was a wonderful gift.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
For the Love of Adorable Dresses...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
I Heart Ebay

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Spring-ish Pictures Despite the Snow
In this picture notice she's missing a sock. Baby socks never stay on their tiny feet. Why is that? Is it because they don't have ankles? She had one set of booties that would stay on because it had an elastic band around the ankles but she has outgrown them now. I can't believe she's still so tiny and yet so much bigger than she was.
We're at the stage now when EVERYTHING goes in the mouth...hands, fingers, pacis, toys, bunnies, and more as you'll see further down.
Our baby bunny
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
3 Month Old Katie Rose
#1 above all else, bouncing on the exercise ball
Being propped up on our shoulders so she can see out
Being swaddled
Nuby pacifiers that are only available at Super One in Stevensville and Roseaur's in Bozeman
Playtex drop in bottles. No other bottle is acceptable to her.
Red wine. I dipped her paci in it the other night. She had no objections nor funny faces.
Bath time until we have to wash her neck and hair.
The 5 bulb light fixture over our dining table. She's totally mesmirized.
Dancing - again with the bouncing.
Pushing up on her legs.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Here are Rob and Katie Rose sitting on the exercise ball watching the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet.