Rob likes to compare me to a mama grizzly bear. (Rob uses the technical female bear term, sow, which makes me think of a pig, and that is not how I want to think of myself right now). A man was recently attacked by a mama grizzly in Yellowstone National Park. The man was walking down the trail and came upon a grizzly bear and her cub feeding on an elk carcass. That man is lucky to be alive! Nothing is more fierce than a grizzly with a cub. Throw food in the equation and you have a killer beast. I believe on a primitive level it is a perfectly natural response during pregnancy for women to be more defensive and aggressive to ensure the best protection of our babies. We are more vulnerable during pregnancy so it seems we take extra protective measures. Rob has gotten so good at this he usually greets me with something to eat when I get home from work (darling, I know!) eliminating the need for food in his effort to prevent disaster. Maybe I'm just trying to justify my short temper, but I think there's something to what I'm saying. Why else would it be more difficult now than it was before pregnancy?
I don't want anyone thinking I am horrible to my husband or anyone else who crosses me. That has not been the case. I just have to work a little harder at it because my first impulse is not always kind. I am still employed as a customer service representative who delights in being cheerful and helpful 40 hours a week. The rest of the time, bring bear spray.
Oh and as for me being furry, apparently hair growth is a side effect of pregnancy. Every time I go to the doctor I say, "I think my belly is getting hairier." She says plainly, "Yes, it is. This will continue."
I think I've currently swung out of the mama bear phase and into the frantic bird building a nest phase but if the mama bird can't nest in the way she wants aka NEEDS to she can quickly turn into a bear just to get her point across. I'm seriously pretty manic these days. Wish we two animals were in closer proximity, i'm sure we'd be kind to one another.